Bio jewels rings

Serie: ripper
Type piece: ring
Year: 2002
Materiais: Silver and tooth
Photo: Luis Cunha Pais
Série: Transmutations
Type piece: rings
Year: 2017
Materiais: artificial tooth , silver, steel , vanadinite, plumb and silica
Dimensions: 3,5×2,2×1,2 cm

Serie: Bio-jewels
Type piece: ring
Year: 2007
Materiais: Bone and silver
Photo: Luis Cunha Pais
Serie: Bio-jewels
Type piece: ring
Year: 2010
Materiais: Camel tooth and silver
Photo: Luis Cunha Pais
Serie: Bio-jewels
Type piece: ring
Year: 2010
Materiais: Camel tooth
Photo: Luis Cunha Pais