The aunt’s cow wears braces

A vaca da tia pos o aparelho
The aunt’s cow wears braces

Serie: We live in a perfect world
Year: 2004
Materials: oxidized silver, cow teeth and braces
Dimensions: 210x200x10mm
Photo: Luis Pais

This piece was created from a personal urge to have my own tooth braces, though not in my mouth.

Considering the widespread use of braces among the Portuguese population, though they haven’t reached the target among elders, I considered this name would be the most appropriate given its double meaning, because I think this kind of item will soon be available on the market for pets.

“No, we’re not at all obsessed with our image, we simply don’t like to be different from the others”.
Jewelry designer : Teresa Milheiro
Art director: green-taja
Make up and photo: Zakahia
Model: Vanessa Almeida